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How Important Shot Blasting Is In The Production Of Iron Castings

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    There are many factors that are integral to the production of iron castings, one of which can easily be overlooked is shot blasting.

    This process helps prepare the surface of the casting for painting or other finishing processes. Without shot blasting, paint or finishes may not adhere properly to the casting, which can lead to a host of quality problems that can occur next.

    In this blog post, we will discuss why shot blasting is necessary in the production of iron castings and how it can help improve their quality.

    What is Shot Blasting?

    In the metalworking industry, especially in the foundry industry, shot blasting is an important process that helps improve the overall quality and life of the finished product.

    It is a process in which small round particles made from hardened steel balls are blasted through a machine and improve the surface of the metal part.

    Engineer with shot blasted gear wheels in engineering factory
    Engineer with shot blasted gear wheels in engineering factory

    Why is shot blasting necessary?

    Shot blasting creates tiny indentations in the surface of the part, creating a layer of compressive stress that prevents metal fatigue and cracking.

    Shot blasting also removes any sharp edges, which can cause stress concentrations, making the product stronger and more durable.

    Shot blasting can be used for a variety of purposes, including improving the surface finish of parts, increasing tensile strength, and reducing wear on parts.

    All of these benefits can improve the performance and durability of the finished product. In addition, shot blasting can help improve fatigue resistance because it helps redistribute stresses over a wider area, reducing the chance of cracking or fatigue failure.

    Shot blasting is an important process that helps improve the performance of many different parts and products. By improving surface finish and creating layers of compressive stress, shot blasting can help make products last longer, perform better, and ultimately save you money in the long run.

    Shot blasting at Castimoo

    6 Factors to Consider When Performing Shot Blasting

    There are 6 areas that require special attention when performing a shot blasting process: the size and shape of the shot, air pressure strength, nozzle to surface distance, nozzle to surface coverage angle, blast time and removal rate.

    1. The size and shape of the shot

    The size and shape of the shot is important because it determines the degree of metal deformation and the level of surface finish provided. Different shapes of shot can provide different types of finishes, so it is important to select the correct type to achieve the desired results.

    2. The air pressure strength

    The air pressure strength is also important as it dictates how hard the projectile will hit the surface and will help penetrate deeper into the metal. It is important to adjust to the right pressure as it will not only reduce the risk of material damage, but will increase the likelihood of achieving a better finish.

    3. The distance between the nozzle and the surface

    The distance between the nozzle and the surface affects the amount of air pressure delivered to the surface and helps create an even distribution of blasted particles for uniform coverage.

    Shot blasting at Castimoo
    Shot blasting at Castimoo

    4. The angle of coverage between the nozzle and the surface

    The angle of coverage between the nozzle and the surface is important for obtaining uniform blasting results, as it will determine how evenly the blast will be applied to the surface. It is best to adjust this angle so that it is slightly downward to get better coverage, otherwise there may be areas where some parts have spots.

    5. The blast time

    The blast time is also an important factor as it determines the duration of the blast treatment and will affect the finish of the surface. It is important to note that this is noteworthy to avoid too much or too little blasting occurring, otherwise the final finish may appear inconsistent.

    6. The removal rate

    Finally, the removal rate is an important consideration when performing a shot blasting process as it will determine the amount of material to be removed from the surface and how much force is required to achieve this goal. It is important to set the correct removal rate for the application at hand so that the desired finish can be achieved.

    All of these aspects should be taken into consideration when performing a shot blasting process in order to achieve the best possible finish.

    Shot blasting at Castimoo

    7 Precautions for the use of shot blasting machines

    1. Always wear protective clothing and goggles when using a shot blasting machine to prevent injury from flying debris.

    2. Make sure the work area is well ventilated to avoid inhaling harmful dust particles.

    3. Do not operate the machine without proper training, as this is hazardous.

    4. Before operating, check the machine for any signs of damage.

    5. Check the material to be blasted to make sure it is compatible with the blasting process.

    6. Adjust the pressure and flow rate as needed to avoid damage to the material being blasted.

    7. When finished, shut down the machine and allow it to cool before proceeding with the process.

    After the blasting process is completed, these 5 points should be noted

    1. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) and check the area for any residual debris or dust as a safety measure.

    2. Sweep all blasted material from the casting surface with a brush or air nozzle to ensure that it is completely removed before applying the coating process.

    3. Check the casting surface for perforations and irregularities, as these may be caused by excessive shot speed or inadequate dust removal.

    4. Test the surface profile with a stylus profile meter to check for any defects that may have occurred during the sandblasting process.

    5. Clean all inside corners, recesses and edges of the casting to ensure that no sandblasted material is left behind before applying paint or coatings.

    Shot blasting at Castimoo

    These 5 steps are critical to ensure your project is flawless and that all safety measures are taken to guarantee a successful outcome after the sandblasting process.

    From personal protective equipment to dusting, these simple but critical steps will ensure that your job goes smoothly and that the end result is perfect.


    In this article, I have sorted out for you what blasting is during the production of iron castings, why blasting is necessary, what to look for when shot blasting, what to pay attention to when using a shot blasting machine, and what to consider after the blasting is over.

    By shot blasting iron castings during the production process, manufacturers can ensure that their parts are strong, durable, and have an attractive surface.

    Taking the time to shot blast iron castings during the production process can help manufacturers ensure that their products are of the highest possible quality and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

    Therefore, it should always be included as an integral part of any casting operation.

    Castimoo is a supplier of iron castings, specializing in the design, production and sale of gray and ductile iron castings. Our products are sold both domestically and internationally and have been well received by our customers.

    If you are in need of purchasing iron castings, contact me now.



    Hi, I'm Wings, the sales manager of Castimoo. I have been selling cast iron products in China for almost 10 years. The purpose of this article is to provide you with information and knowledge about cast iron from the perspective of a Chinese supplier.

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